Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men

Atlantis had originally been planned so that it could become a colony, if contact wasn't reestablished...technically. But nobody had planned for a massive baby boom only nine months in. Most of the expedition members were from small families and, if they had been married in the past, they were now divorced. None of them had children that they had raised. So, few of them were prepared to have children, especially when they learned about them so late in the term. The expedition contained a few people who had more experience than babysitting as teenagers, but that wasn't enough when literally every member of the expedition was about to become a parent for the first time.

Even with extensive planning sessions- suddenly they had to set up child care that ran 28/6 and accounted for crises and missions and the fact that any one of them could die unexpectedly, the universe being what it was- the first few months were nothing less than chaos as everybody got used to their new children and dealt with the usual crises with a predictable lack of sleep.

Just when things were calming down, they found out that the Wraith were coming to attack Atlantis.

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