Sunday, March 28, 2010
Backstory: he encounters Teal'c or another alien and actually says that they're an alien. I think he doesn't really believe it, but it's the only explanation that fits, so that's what he says. Then the SGC is all "oh crap" and takes him in for interrogation, where he eventually tells the truth.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Slayers in Atlantis
All ideas are free for the taking.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sunnydale Immortals
So a ways down the line, they've lost a few people but there are still more than just the Scoobies, and it's time for a reunion whether accidental or deliberate. Insert crossover with future fandom of your choice- they have their reunion on DS9 or get a ride on Firefly or whatever.
All ideas are free for the taking.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Beggar Princess
Duncan MacLeod, 5000 Year Old Immortal
If doing this as part of canon, not an AU (well, it's an AU anyway, but I mean with everything outwardly the same),
All ideas are free for the taking.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
White Collar (/SGA)
Preseries, when Peter's still chasing Neal down and doesn't want to work together.
All ideas are free for the taking.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Time goes on through canon. Willow may or may not continue their activities on her own. Xander keeps doing at least one of them: computers. I assume he has a reason for not displaying his skill. When he leaves Sunnydale, either after graduation or after Sunnydale becomes a sinkhole, he (eventually) sees/meets hacker friend(s) in person. Maybe one set of hackers for after graduation, and another after the First. [Hackers, Die I know any others with hackers? Pretender, I suppose]
His handle is not something you'd expect, even if you know him. Possibly he's run into Willow (using a handle he doesn't know) online in the past. Possibly he's changed handles since Jesse died.
All ideas are free for the taking.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Immortals- or at least the ones you know- have known it was coming for a long time. No matter how quiet most of you keep on the subject, there are always those who are willing to talk, even if it isn't in their best interests. You know it's coming, and coming soon.
The portents, both those mystical and those more mundane, have increasingly been pointing to Canada being a poor environment for Immortals after the Great Reveal. Already many of your fellows have left for other countries or for the North, where there are few enough people that official repercussions can be easily avoided, so long as one lives and lets live.
You've almost decided to quit your job and move to someplace more remote (it's a difficult decision; you've loved Canada for longer than it's been Canada, and have scarcely stepped foot outside of her in centuries, but on the other hand, although you didn't start life that way it's now difficult to imagine not being an officer of the law, and it will almost certainly be impossible to continue being one in Canada) when you're told of Robert Fraser's death.
Robert Fraser, who allowed you to graft yourself onto his family tree, to be the son he never had. You're told at his funeral that he was the last of a dying breed, and maybe it's true. He took you as his son with scarcely a question, fewer than you would have asked if you had been in his position. You will not allow his murder to go unsolved, even if you must delay your plans and leave Canada to deal with it.
Survival Methods
Rodney's always been smart. Ever since he had his first near-death experience with [citrussy food], survival's been his top priority. When he skipped grades (or got picked on, or whatever, if you don't want him to skip grades), he developed the attitude as a survival strategy- it's the only way he could defend himself. And that was enough to survive when he was on Earth, in academia. But it's not enough once he gets to Atlantis, and survival's still a priority to him, so he does what he can to make himself more likely to survive- learning self-defense and how to use guns and SGC-style first aid (which is far more comprehensive than first aid elsewhere) and diplomacy (or at least how to avoid offending people to the point of them attacking when he can avoid it). It's not easy for him; none of it comes naturally, and for somebody who understands science easily it's very frustrating. But he keeps working at it because if he can avoid death he wants to.
Optional plot: people notice that he's learning this stuff - despite his attitude towards them - and think "hey, maybe I should learn that stuff too". You know, once they've learned that actions speak louder than words. Possibly the training becomes official or semi-official policy. Rodney is all for it, because if other people know these things then a) they're less likely to do stupid stuff and need saving (since going on rescue missions makes him more likely to get killed), and b) more likely to be able to save him, if he needs it.
All ideas are free for the taking.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Magic Day
So eventually there's a kid who's born nowhere near Magic Day- not the direct opposite day of the calendar, either, just some random day- who has magic. When he's really young it's always subtle things. When he gets old enough to understand about magic he's terrified of it and wants nothing to do with it. Maybe he goes to the authorities to turn himself in, but gets laughed at because he wasn't born on Magic Day. He clamps down on the magic, not using it at all, until eventually he has to for some very important reason, then trains it in secret. And of course he eventually uses it in public and everybody's horrified at it even though he saved lives. In the end, he somehow frees the magicians and gets a more tolerant system put in place- preferably not through a show of force.
All ideas are free for the taking.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Without Fear
All ideas are free for the taking.