Friday, March 26, 2010

Sunnydale Immortals

Due to the activation spell, Willow, Xander, Giles (because of the spell they used with Adam) and the Slayers in Sunnydale for the First stop aging (or possibly reach adulthood and stop aging) and maybe heal better than usual. They can be killed, but they don't die of natural causes (which takes them a while to figure out). Everybody who wasn't in Sunnydale who was activated ages normally, as do others like Andrew.

So a ways down the line, they've lost a few people but there are still more than just the Scoobies, and it's time for a reunion whether accidental or deliberate. Insert crossover with future fandom of your choice- they have their reunion on DS9 or get a ride on Firefly or whatever.

All ideas are free for the taking.

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