Friday, June 25, 2010

Leverage apocalypse

The apocalypse or at least a very large disaster strikes. Nate and somebody else are separated from the remaining team, doing a job that only needs/allows two of them, and that's supposed to be easy so they didn't bring nearby backup. The two are trapped and maybe separated from each other, but mobile within where they're trapped.

The other three are together. Parker initially falls apart, wanting to go after Nate, but Hardison tells her Nate would want them to help the people they knew they could, rather than throw that away on a rescue that might not be needed or possible. That they're down a couple of people, and this isn't the kind of jobs they're used to, but they can come up with plans to help people with only the three of them. As their home base they have a place where the employees idolize their aliases for whatever they did on a job.

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