Thursday, July 1, 2010


Of the five of them, Hardison was the least fucked-up. Yeah, he was a criminal, and some people might say that's a little bit fucked-up right there, but they were all criminals so it didn't really count. And besides that, he seemed to be well-adjusted. The rest of them? Not so much.
He wasn't sure Sophie even knew who she was anymore, her aliases and cons bleeding together and overwriting who she really was. Whoever the real Sophie Devereaux was, she was lost in the sea of personalities she'd assumed in her life.
Nate had been normal once, a normal guy with a normal life. He only got fucked-up because his son died. If he didn't cling to his grief so tightly, letting it rule his life, he could have been a normal citizen again. But he was as fucked-up as he wanted to be.
There was something wrong with Parker, but he didn't think it was something that could be "fixed"; whatever it was, it had been there for a long time, if not her whole life.
And him. He knew they thought he wasn't too fucked-up. Maybe a little angry, but other than that normal. They probably thought Eliot Spencer was his real name, too.

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