Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gotham Honest

It's impossible to be a cop in Gotham and respect the law too much. No matter how honest a man (or woman) you are, there's no way to avoid the ethical compromises Gotham forces on you. You might not take bribes, like the rest of the force, but that's little more than a symbolic gesture.

In this city, there's nobody who'd prosecute a crooked cop- and if they did, there wouldn't be any left. You're forced to choose between looking the other way and watching and doing nothing. And as bad as being on the take is, it's better than what some of them get up to. Errand boys for the mob, excessive force, drugs…you've seen it all. In any other city, it wouldn't be tolerated, but here it's expected. You're the one who stands out, what seems like the only honest cop in Gotham- and how honest are you, when you don't do a damned thing about any of it?

Cops who try to follow the rules end up dead early in their careers. You may be a more-or-less honest man, but you're still alive when more honest men aren't; you've had to make compromises. If nothing else, Gotham has taught you when to throw away the rules.

If you were an honest cop in any other city, you'd never work with a vigilante- vigilantism is illegal, after all- but this isn't any other city. This is Gotham, and you're the closest thing Gotham has to an honest cop.

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